Master Your Money In 30 Days!


Unlock Financial Freedom: Master Your Money in 30 Days!

Ready to embark on a transformative journey towards financial empowerment?

The 30 day experience that will change your finances and your financial outlook, for good!

Master Your Money Now

Get Good With Money:

From the impulse to spend to the hesitation to invest, our relationship with money is deeply ingrained. Join us as we explore the psychological and cultural factors that contribute to our financial habits. By understanding the "why" behind our money behaviours, we pave the way for transformative change. We will navigate these narratives together and empower ourselves to make informed, positive choices on the journey to financial wellness.

Get Super-Conscious About Your Spending:

Get to know your finances, inside and out: how much money flows to you each day, week and month? And what flows out? Where are your money leaks? Where can you earn more? Where can you optimise your spending? How much can you SAVE? 


Confront and Change Your Money Beliefs and Behaviours:

Joining me on this transformative 30 day journey will allow you to turn around your limiting beliefs, debunk financial myths, and take practical steps to earn more, keep more and optimise your spending. It's time to take control, reshape your financial mindset, and embrace the wealth of possibilities that await you.


What to Expect on Your 30-Day Money Journey

Say goodbye to scarcity thinking and say hello to your abundant life. It starts here! Here's what awaits you in this challenge:

Daily Affirmations:

Get your mindset ready with daily affirmations crafted to uplift and empower. Kick off each day with positivity and financial fierceness.

Daily Instruction:

No two days are the same on this journey! Discover practical strategies to not just save but to multiply your wealth. You will become a more conscious spender, create a conscious money spending plan, identify hidden expenses and money leaks, optimise your spending and take other practical steps to save and earn more by setting you on the path to financial mastery. What wil YOU do with your savings? Give it a purpose!

Your  Financial Future:

As the curtains close on your 30-days, you'll be stepping into a financial future that's as amazing as you are. You will be set up for future financial success, a conscious spender, and someone has money working for them. 

Your positive financial future awaits!


Master Your Money Now!

See what previous participants have said:

Morna Haist

In summary: Wow!! I've had so many money breakthroughs in 10 short days it's blowing my mind! Firstly, I've been receiving money from so many unexpected places, literally on a daily basis and it's so affirming and awesome to see this in black and white on my tracker. I'm waking up feeling more empowered and powerful about money - in fact I've been waking up and saying outloud, "I'm a magnet for money" and it turns out I am!" Thank you Sarah for creating this and offering it in such an accessible way... everyone needs to do it!

Nicky Hobson 

I am loving this challenge and Sarah just makes it sound like perfect sense! The affirmations are what I love most so far and I definitely feel a shift in the way I am talking to myself about money. Thank you Sarah for creating such a brilliant challenge! 

Joanne Harland

A great course. My spending statement is, "I am a careful and effective spender." Like all of Sarah's work this is well thought through and very detailed - full of rich content to think about every day. 

Lauren Goulden-James


So good! Really making me peel back the layers and reflect on what my spending habits have been and what I want them to be!! Thanks, Sarah!

Barbara Joan Haskell

Thank you so much, Sarah, for introducing this to us! What I liked best about it was learning the managing part of the process and finding a way to make money, even when it is a little at a time. I like the idea that money is available to us all the time and finding it around you in the house in various locations. Appreciating every penny you have and celebrating it really speaks to me. 

Julie Massoumi

It's been ridiculously useful - I'm developing my understanding of my relationship with money and how some of my beliefs could hold me back - and how to reshape those beliefs so that I can overcome them. 

On a practical level, I have set up an emergency fund which I will allocate a certain percentage each month so that I can build a safety net, should I ever need to access it. And because I did that, I also set up other accounts, including ISA's for me and my kds so I get into the practice of saving regularly. So on a structural level I am already so much better prepared to manage my finances and it feels amazing to be in charge and on top of it!

I've also been finding the daily tracking exercises incredibly empowering. I've had far more money than I was expecting flow into my life, which is amazing!

Master Your Money Now!